Friday, December 28, 2012

Winter 2012 Memories

Christmas Time 2012 Memories

 Ladies Night at Hall's Hardware in Milton, Fl
Buying my girls sock monkey hats that night...
The special bond with our Mimi!

Marty's Hunting and Shooting Lessons
An example on how to climb
Logan taking Daddy's Example

Marty took Sydney, Logan, and Gracie hunting on 12/26.

Marty and I together 
 The four at the Rogers' yearly gathering in Bascom, Fl on 12/22

The tree has been decorated. Our four precious children patiently allow their silly parents one last picture of them together :)

Friday, November 30, 2012

Some Updated Pictures

The Georgia Trip November 2012
 Sydney Raine White Thanksgiving 2012

Autumn Grace White Thanksgiving 2012

 Our Four
Sydney, Logan, Luke, and Gracie
Thanksgiving 2012

Brothers-Logan and Luke Daniel
Thanksgiving 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Gracie's Heart

I am beginning to see Gracie take more interest in caring for Luke. Last night, she climbed into the bathtub with Luke. She still had her play clothes on. She wanted to wash him with soap. After a while, Sydney joined in the fun. The interesting thing about this is that Luke actually does not mind them getting into his space. He enjoys them.

Gracie has said that she wishes that her brother could play with her. I feel for her with this. I can see that she loves Luke, but struggles with understanding him. She is trying. That is all that matters :)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Celebrating the heart of my little girl...

Sydney- the girl with the huge heart! 
A story told by my mother, Joanna Rogers.

Had a wonderful grandparent-teacher conference for Sydney today. I am very thankful that she is excelling across the board and using her gifts and talents wisely. What has really stuck with me, though, is that her teacher said there are t
wo boys with autism who join their class for lunch. Sydney volunteers daily to walk one of them to the cafeteria and help him navigate the maze. She told her teacher the first time, "Don't worry, I know what to do," as she walked away with the young man. I am thankful for the heart Sydney has for those who struggle and so very very pleased. What a blessing she is.

Sydney- Luke's Big Sister
Sydney loves her brother Luke. She loves to fall asleep with him. When I have spoken to Sydney about Luke's differences, she really didn't feel that it was a big deal. She loves him just the way he is. Logan and Gracie love Luke also, but with Sydney, it is different. She and Luke understand each other. She has figured out how to communicate with him in his language. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Fun Pictures- My Awesome Children

                                           My Four: Taken at Panama City Beach

                                     Sydney's Award: She made the state level 5 club

                                     The Bus Stop: At the corner, sitting on the curb

Monday, July 16, 2012

We have reached a new milestone: Sydney has decided to Begin Shaving!

Sydney often complains that she is not give choices over her own life. I truly feel for her. She is just young enough that I don't feel comfortable allowing her to make some decisions. I believe that she is a nine year old who believes she is 30. God bless her. So, after one of our more emotional conversations, that are coming more frequently lately, we began yet another shaving discussion. We have gone back and forth with allowing her to shave. She is young and I wanted to make sure that she truly was ready. After she expressed that she was embarrassed by her leg hair I decided to leave it up to her. Help her see that she actually has power in her own life. I told her that it was her decision and she would simply need to come to me and ask me to help. I would give her an appropriate razor and teach her how to shave and I would help her with the hard stuff like shaving around the ankles and knees. I left her to think and walked to my bedroom. A couple minutes later she came to my bedroom alone and said, "I think it's time". So with razor in one hand and shaving cream in another, I taught my not-so-little girl how to shave.

She is so proud that she had made this decision. She hasn't told anyone, but I can tell it makes a difference to her. I am so glad that I could give her the choice on this. It has brought our relationship to the next level. I am having to learn to let go of some things. Puberty is coming and I do not want to lose my girls during this time of change. I want to be a connected Mom. So, now it on the talk about all the changes that will be occurring in the next couple of years. I am so honored to be the person sharing and protecting them!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Upward Basketball and Cheerleading 2012

A local church, Pace Assembly, has a program called Upward. It is all about sports and leading children to a closer relationship with Jesus. The girls were on different cheer squads. Logan played basketball. Here are some great pictures;

The Hurricanes

Logan did an awesome job in basketball. The only negative thing about Upward Basketball is that it occurs during hunting season :(

The Sparklers

Gracie was less than enthused, at first, but warmed up quickly and enjoyed herself. Now she wants to try Upward Cheerleading again~

The Echos

Sydney had wanted to cheer for a long time. She was really good, but has said that she wants to try something new next time. We will see.

The Grandparent Cheerleading Squad

White, Tam Tam, PapPaw, and Mimi are always there to support their girls and boys. They are so awesome!

It was a great experience. During half-time of each game a person would lead a devotion and say a prayer. After every practice an adult led a devotion and a prayer. It led our family to a deeper relationship with our savior!